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First Presbyterian Church Announcement

Dear Table Supporters,

It is with great sadness that we have to announce that The Table will no longer be serving at the First Presbyterian Church. A few days ago, we received an email telling us that “the Church has decided not to resume a relationship with The Table”. They went on to tell us to remove anything that belongs to the Table from their premises by the end of August.

Unfortunately, we have had a difficult relationship with the Church over the past few years. In January of 2020, we discovered that approximately $ 84,000 was withdrawn from a Wells Fargo savings account that contained @$101,000. This was done without any notification to the Table Board. This account, which for decades had been labeled The Table Investment Account, contained monies that were bequeathed to the Table as well as community donations. The Table used this account to augment our operating account when it ran short. We also added to the account when we could in an attempt to build an endowment that could sustain the Table in future years. As of January 2020, The Table was cut off from further visibility to this account and we suspect the remainder of the monies are also gone. Fortunately, we had secured our daily operating account at another bank. Previously, The Table had operated under the 501(c)(3) nonprofit status of the Church. However, at this time, we felt it necessary to apply for our own 501(c)(3) nonprofit status so that we could independently handle our donations.

Throughout the subsequent months, we tried to work with the Church to understand where the money had gone. We even worked with pro bono attorneys to get to the bottom of it, but to no avail. The Church claimed the money was rightfully theirs and they needed it for their internal operations. When the Church asked the Table to put together a lease for our continued usage of the space, we offered to simply deduct a portion of what The Table was owed each month from the monies taken as a way for the Church to replace the funds. They refused that offer, did not suggest a counter offer and asked us to vacate the space.

This past Sunday, Pastor Joan Martindale introduced Mr. Jim Jones, a local attorney and First Presbyterian church member to speak to their congregation. She said he had a “wonderful” announcement. Mr. Jones then stood in front of their congregation and told them of their decision to sever ties with The Table. He said, “that the mission of their Church was to “advance the loving ministry of Jesus Christ.” He went on to say that “The Table, as an independent 501(c)(3) corporation is not to engage in religious activities. While we wish to do so all of the time in all of the areas owned and controlled by our Church”.

As you each know, and because of your wonderful support, The Table has served over one million meals to the poor, the hungry, the homeless and the most vulnerable in our community for over 36 years. We are very stunned that the elders of the First Presbyterian Church do not believe that this is a religious activity! We also do not agree with Pastor Joan Martindale, that this is a wonderful announcement.

Despite this setback, we have already started the search for a new facility in which to continue our program. We would welcome any ideas and input.




The Table Board


Chris, Mary Beth, Linda, and Rhonda

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We believe that the diners served by The Table are members of our community whose well-being is a community concern. The our goal is to provide a nutritious meal to anyone who is hungry, to offer a clean, safe place to dine, and to treat all diners with dignity and respect.

We offer a hot and free meal to anyone who is hungry, five days a week. We feed our most vulnerable populations including those who might be too embarrassed to ask for a free meal. Diners include the elderly, children, veterans, and the homeless. Meals are planned and respectfully served by volunteers from local community organizations.


The Table’s volunteers have fed Napa Valley’s most vulnerable population for over 30 years.

Friends, businesses, civic, and religious groups commit to taking one day a month to shop, cook, prepare, and serve a nutritious meal to anyone who is hungry. Groups take pride in providing a calm and respectful environment for diners.

This model of community serving community has been a successful and sustainable way to provide a food safety net for hungry people. The Table provides over 40,000 meals a year to individuals who would otherwise go hungry.


Thanks to Be Bubbly Napa Valley for featuring The Table as their November charity of the month


Remembering Richard Majano:
'He was a light in this community.'

Richard Majano.webp

Napa's The Table still seeking a new location four months after being asked to vacate Napa's First Presbyterian Church

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I would not get to eat healthy meals without it. The awesome folks who serve treat you as if you were an invited guest to their home.



Without The Table, I would go hungry



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